Saturday, March 26, 2011

I made it to Santiago, Dominican Republic

I was hoping to post a few pictures, but for some reason my computer isn't reading the SD card. I brought the cord and it doesn't want to read that either.

I left home Thursday night and took the red eye to New York. I got pretty nauseous, which has never happened to me before. Probably the combination of nerves, a very bumpy flight and the sleeping pill I took. Needless to say I didn't really sleep. I really thought I was going to throw up! Towards the end I had some nuts and ginger ale and that helped a lot.

When I landed in New York it was still dark. I forced myself to eat some breakfast, then enjoyed a beautiful sunrise.

The flight to Santiago was much better. I dozed off and on quite a bit. It was quite an experience to be on a flight full of Latino's. They are much louder than Americans. There were lots of little kids. And when the plane lands EVERYONE claps. It was so awesome!

Getting through customs was much easier than I expected. Though, I don't know what I expected. My shuttle was waiting for me when I walked out of the airport and I got checked into my hotel with ease. I spent the afternoon trying not to fall asleep (unsuccessfully), then finally gave up and shut everything down around 7pm. I got a great night's sleep and had a wonderful breakfast this morning.

This morning I'm feeling a little nervous again. As I was eating my breakfast sitting in this beautiful hotel I was pondering what the next two weeks will be like. Nothing like this I am sure!

I hope that I have brought the right clothes and equipment. I hope the language won't be such a barrier. I hope that I will be able to help those around me and be of help to them. I hope that I will be open to whatever comes my way. I'm trying to have an open mind, open heart and open spirit to what this journey may bring to me.

I have to say again how much I appreciate all the love and support that has been given to me. My family is so willing to make this sacrifice for me to do this and for that I am grateful. Please continue to pray for me, those I am working with and the people of Haiti.


1 comment:

  1. You are in my prayers! Be blessed with peace and confidence. Hugs!
